Reflections on Identity, Life and Death – Susan1


Susan1 describes being defibrillated and feeling as though she had 'crossed over'.


And I’m laying there and the next thing you know they’re peeling these – they’re peeling open these pads and I’m laying there thinking oh my god those are defibrillator pads. They’re going to shock me, I’m conscious. But I wasn’t conscious. I was out of body and I watched the whole thing. I regained consciousness just before they shocked me at 300 Jules twice, and 360. And I went oh! And of course when I regained consciousness in the middle of this and went ‘Oh my God, oh my God!’. Because I felt you know the shock. And it was oh my goodness. It’s like you’re exploding out through your ribcage. The heat is indescribable. But then they apologized. They tilted my head up, they said ‘See?’ They had me look at the monitor ‘You’re back in normal sinus rhythm again.’ And then they proceeded to start an IV. And I thought it was funny because they asked my permission to start an arterial line and I’m thinking ‘You just zapped me while I was conscious [laughs] and now you’re asking me permission to start an art line?” Seemed kind of ironic right? So I heard them talking, and then they said ‘You know the only chance she has of surviving is if we get her over to [hospital name]’. So suddenly there’s an ICU bed there. And – but prior to being transferred I remember saying ‘God, where are you? You told me you shouldn’t leave me’. And this voice said ‘Sue, I’m right here. I’ve never left you.’ And I looked to the right and I saw all these angels. They were very iridescent. I had definitely crossed over because I – my brother had a hold of my hand. And there was an older woman there, a relative who I suspect was my mother’s grandmother who raised her. And she said to my brother ‘let go of her hand, she can’t stay here, she’s got work to do.’ And I remember that very vividly.

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